Saturday, January 2, 2010

Poem Composed by Alvin S Jackson

Yes, its been years, a score or more,
Since a lad stood by a Blacksmith’s door,
Watching the sinders from his anvil fall
And counting their number large and small,
When the good kind smith from his work did turn;
“Kepp back me lad, those sparks will burn.”
Oh I learned to love him then
Because he was one of God’s noblemen.
Because he was gentle, kind and true.
‘twas for this I learned to love him too.
Yes, I see him with his bended back
Shoeing a horse or an ox in the rack
Or molding in shape the plow share
And sweat twinkling from his silvery hair.

Yet he was always pleased the children to see
And would oft take them upon his knee.
Good counsel and kind words he would give
“Be true to your parents and long you will live.”
Oh, those days when I stop and ponder
Just seem a little way over yonder.
The childrens laughter and birds a singing,
The roaring bellows and anvil ringing.
But this was only a childhood day
When oft from my mother I would run away.
For I was always happy and content
When at Grandpa’s home my time was spent.

As time rolled on I grew harder to rule,
When father said we will send him to school,
So at Grandpa’s home I was sent to stay
Where I could attend my school in a better way.
‘Twas there I learned that God’s ways were best
By living pure lives and putting him to the test.
For oft we would hear of an officer in town
Taking men who were on the underground.
How oft my heart would beat
When I would see them coming up the street,
For I would fear my Grandpa they would take
And place in jail for the Gospel Sake.

But he would always stay at work in the shop
Where these men would drive and be sure to stop.
“Put up your team and take dinner with me.”
Was the words from Grandpa so free.
“ The old man we will leave him alone
We wil always find him right at home.”
Was stated by those men with the laws
Trying to over throw God’s own righteous cause.
As I sit and think of things that are past.
Me thinks I see Grandpa there in the Glass
With that noble face and silvery hair.

And hear his words ring on the air,
“Be honest my boy, be noble and true,
For God has in store great blessing for you.
Honor the Priesthood and those that are in power
And on your head great blessings will shower.”
But, alas, he has gone, God took him away
For the good he done, He is happier than they.
Composed By Alvin S Jackson

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